Saturday, February 28, 2009

Exploring the wildlife in Pennsylvania

This post actually happened today, 2/28/09.

Today Natalie and I took a trip up into the Pennsylvania mountains to try and see some wildlife. Kristin stayed at home to "nest". Kristin is now 8 months pregnant and we are in the full stages of nesting. As an example, she dusted the chair railing in our dining room this morning...glad we don't have to worry about that project anymore! :)

We drove about an hour northwest of our house, right at the edge of the Pocono Mountains. Without even realizing it, we walked up to an unbelievable scene:

We tried to keep quiet and not to disturb the animals. We slowly walked away, and then we saw a black bear playing with a tree:

I think that the bear was partially watching the animals just up the mountain from him. Luckily, I have quick reflexes and a fast shutter speed on my camera. I caught this mountain goat jumping from one rock to another!

As we were coming down the mountain, we were surrounded by Elk, and since I hadn't put my camera away yet, I took another picture:

Well, thankfully we weren't outside for all these pictures, because it is still rather cold up here. We were actually roughing it in Cabella's!

I wanted to go and get a few camping items and Natalie was my shopping buddy. She was actually more interested in all the animals, and I don't blame her, they were very cool. She got to hang out with some Bison and wolves:

Natalie's favorite thing to do, by far, was watch the fish. You could buy fish food in a candy dispensing machine, but they were all out. She REALLY wanted to feed the fish, but all she could do is just watch them. Which we did for 20 minutes. You can see the fish in this picture:

I will leave you with my favorite picture, with a little bit of homework for you. Which one is Natalie, and which one is the 9 foot brown bear from Alaska??


G-MA said...

Looks like you and daddy had a great afternoon checking the animals. Love your imitation of a brown bear.
Love, G-Dad and G-MA

Kay-Lynn said...

Funny story...Mary Alice really loved the pictures and cannot believe you saw all those animals just hiking!