Thursday, July 17, 2008

BBQ at the Clarks!

One of Natalie's close friends is Annie. Her parents moved to PA from Midland, TX a few months before we moved up here. They go to church with us, and we have some mutual friends in Midland. Small world, huh?

Natalie and Annie enjoy running around the church building together, so we try to get them together every once and awhile so they can play. Around the July 4th weekend, we went over to their house for a bbq and to light fireworks. This was the first time that Natalie has seen fireworks, and to my surprise, they didn't scare her. She really wanted to help me light them, but THAT was not going to happen.

The last picture is Natalie and Annie sitting in the kitchen, watch the fireworks as they drank their juice.

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