Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fun with Photobooth!

We spent part of Saturday morning having fun with the camera on our computer. There is a program called "Photobooth" and we just made a few silly pictures. Natalie really enjoys doing this, and I guess I can only blame myself for this part of her genetics. My mom would say that she gets it from G-Ma's side of the family, along with her music ability and rythm :).

I found this picture from when we lived in Houston. It is a picture of Natalie and her twin (she, I mean "they", were so little then!):

Today's version (our computer is in the basement, next to the junk shelves, so please excuse the background):

Natalie really enjoyed making the last two:

We then took a few minutes to capture a video. I am not sure if this means she watches too much Noggin or has natural music ability from her G-Ma...probably a little bit of both!

This weekend is going to go by quickly as we get ready to leave for Walla Walla, Washington. We are headed there for vacation with Kristin's family, and to see her cousin get married. I going to try to post while we are there, but I can't promise anything (based on my lack of posts for over a month this summer!).


Amanda Parsons said...

Landon.......I think it's YOU who watches him some Noggin'!

Cute :)
Amanda Parsons

Kay-Lynn said...

We miss you Natalie! Looks like you and your daddy have some good times!

G-MA said...

Well Natalie your dad is correct when he says that you have inherited his music and silliness ablility through G-Ma's family. I think they are great quailties to have. You have been such a happy beautiful and smart girl since the day you were born. We all miss you.
Love, G-Ma and G-Dad